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Thursday, January 31, 2008

The surfing parable

I think that is a great parable. I think surfing itself is a great parable, in general, ...

Laird Hamilton is one of the best there ever was at surfing (some may know him as Gabrielle Reese's husband, despite that). The wave he rode in that was captured in that clip (from the movie Riding Giants) was a type believed to be unrideable. Note, he didn't plan to ride such a wave that day. He didn't plan on how he would ride such a wave eventually. He was prepared, but he didn't plan.

I've never surfed, but I think surfing is such a parable to being what we need to be. I've seen enough documentaries on surfing and other surfing movies to know that the philosophy of the successful surfer is to prepare, 'cause you can't plan enough. The church makes plans, when it needs to make preparations. We can't plan for every possibility, but with God we can prepare for any possibility.

Some hold back from redemptive community because the inexperience with such concepts they feel they can plan well enough. We need not plan, just prepare to ride the waves to come.

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