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Monday, August 4, 2008

Reimagining Church

About six months ago, I reviewed Pagan Christianity in this blog (see Red Pill Redux). Pagan Christianity reviewed the origins of church practices, revealing many very common ones as arising from society and adapted from the culture.

Frank Viola has written a constructive sequel and excellent companion to that book, Reimagining Church. This time, Viola (sans George Barna) has written a volume that examines a bit more what church should be rather than what it has become by outside influences. There is a bit of counterargument in the book, anticipating the objections, but for the most part Viola has written a positive, constructive approach to complement Pagan Christianity's more deconstructive subtext.

Viola paints a picture of church as community, where it is truly every member ministry and there is nothing resembling the modern church hierarchy's that put layers in God's people between God and man. He reexamines what the functions are in the church, taking us back beyond our preconceived Western mindset that reads our culture into the words. He makes his case well, without anger.

I would encourage the readers of this blog to get a copy and post your comments and thoughts as you read it. Like Pagan Christianity, you are unlikely to find this in stores, but it is available online through Amazon, CBD (, and Frank Viola's ministry (best price when I ordered it)

1 comment:

Mark Winstead said...

Jeanette at Present Testimony Ministries (Frank Viola's ministry) saw my review and e-mailed me to inform me that the book is being carried by Family, Barnes & Nobles and Borders.