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Tuesday, January 15, 2008

There is more

There is still more. Character transformation is more than the elimination of sin. Character transformation is more than beginning to express the fruit of the Spirit. God is about reclaiming the divine potential he has planted within each individual. In its essense, the word character means a unique shape or mark ... Each person has been uniquely marked or shaped by God. Our theology of character transfomation needs to extend beyond the reestablishiment of virtues to the reclaimation of the potential of every person.

Erwin McManus in An Unstoppable Force

Dallas Willard, in his book Divine Conspiracy, said that too often, the good news preached is a gospel of sin management. While forgiveness is huge, Jesus also said that He came that we may have life and have it to the full (John 10:10). In Luke 4, Jesus kicks off his ministry by reading from Isaiah 61. Isaiah 61 tells of the release, restoration and renewal of people. Yes, the gospel is about forgiveness, but it is so much more.
I want to be about that much more. I want to offer teaching and ministry in the areas of the "more" as well as preparing hearts to receive the more. The word "salvation" comes from a Greek word that means to heal or make whole. Philippians 4:13 tells us that we are to "work out our salvation". I want to help individuals, small groups, and churches in the process of working out the full restoration of our hearts. This means moving beyond mere sin management toward:

      • living with hope
      • living in victory
      • living the life we were created to have
What do you want?

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