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Sunday, April 6, 2008

Church and Repression -- the dichotomy

Another way the current church setup suppresses us from being fully who we are intended to be is the dichotomy between secular and spiritual.

In the time of the gospels, Jesus spoke into a culture that was Hebraic in its spirituality. Hebraic spirituality didn't separate the spiritual from the secular. A Hebraic teaching speaks of the glory of God being in everything -- it is a matter of orienting it toward God to release the glory.

Sadly, Hellenistic (Greek-Roman) spirituality crept into the faith. Greek thinking distinguishes the sacred from the secular. What followed corrupts the message of Christ until today. Instead of the priesthood of all believers, we have a priesthood of the clergy. We have a separate spaces called "church buildings". Everywhere we turn, we have separation. Is it a wonder we have trouble walking with God when we so separate our lives?

Where this really damages us from living in glory, of being what God intended, is the distinguishing of 'calling'. We all have a calling, but the church only seems to recognize that calling if it is for a "clergy" or ministry position. Diminished, we create second class citizens of those not in "ministry".

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