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Monday, February 4, 2008

Thirst III: Relationship

Whereas we are created in the image of God, a study of human nature shows we do have two fundamental characteristics of God.

1) God is creator. Studying healthy humans, we see that we all have a way we want to create, build, organize, rule, author, etc. This is the need to impact.
2) God set, "Let us create man in our image". God is community (a threesome), Father, Son and Holy Spirit. God functions in community. We are meant to function in community -- community with God, community with others.

We see this as fundamental to human nature. Psychology 101, if you have taken it, shows a great number of disorders, especially depression and depressive disorders, are caused by a lack of social interaction, or mitigated with social interactions.

So, church should be good, right?

Then why are churches some of the loneliest places on Sunday mornings? Why do we think "performances" are what Jesus intended for "services"?

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